Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mobile Internet: More Users For The Small Screen

There is a lot of coverage insisting on the opportunity to marketers and brand represented by mobile.
Blogs I follow reveal that the new buzz is around the fact that more South Africans access the internet via their cellphones than the traditional computer medium.
Vodafone's  Rick Joubert wrote a biz-community article aimed at publishers  which put the total number of mobile web users at 9.5 millions South Africans. He estimated that 7 million of these don't have access to PC internet.

This is strong support for the relevance, reach and power of the small screen.
Also, for extra care in the estimation of the internet-using market and its behaviour.

Joubert describes the mobile platform as: "the most ubiquitous, interactive and versatile of mediums the world has ever seen with very low barriers to entry and all the low infrastructure cost and distribution cost benefits of the internet."
The belief that TTL strategies need only incorporate a marginal online component to match a limited audience of PC internet users needs dramatic revision.
Integrated multi-media campaigning embracing a truly converged space is the order of today.
The implication is that an online media budget includes, if not emphasizes mobile.
The small screen just got a whole lot bigger.

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