Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Barack Obama: Signed, Sealed Delivered.

Mandy Leontakianakis

My bloglist let me know, this morning, that Obama delivered a victory speech that rewarded his supporters for a period of fervent, pro-active and passionate support.
It was a speech rooted in his trademark spiritual inclusivity and attitude of gratitude.
His walk through the history of the American story, the spirit of the American dream and its resurfacing in his election was epic and emotive.
I can't help feeling like this is an American president out of one of those movies that I'm moved by despite myself.

Mainly, I liked how much he said thank you.
Because if the voting had been real, and if he is real, there was an equally real effort to give him the opportunity to resurrect the dream he describes.

I had been facebooking, last night, with friends of mine in Seattle whose genuine investment in the results was tangible, even through our respective electronic devices.
We're talking anxiety, excitement and not wanting to hope before a result was in the bag: understandable, given the creative dimension that polling and its circumstances have taken on in the past.

This election was not at any kind of remove: my friends have spent months rallying, investing money, attending events, garnering online support and mobilizing other people to the cause of getting this man elected.

The Americans that I know deserve leadership that restores their national self esteem after what seems like an interminable dark age of farce.
Obama's election victory was a cumulative victory not only for Democrats, but for those Americans who are seeking a radical break with their past.

And I'm particularly keen on any American president who campaigns with Stevie Wonder.

1 comment:

Franky D said...

It will be wonderful if Mr Obama delivers on what he promises. Mr Obama certainly delivered a woderful speech. Or has a wonderful speech writer. It seems, however, to follow a certain pattern(see President George Bush Jnr's Acceptance Speech of 2004: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/11/20041103-3.html).