Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jesus Twitters. Who Knew?

I'm often quite pleased by my new Twitter followers.
I get a nice feeling when I get notified that a person I quite admire has opted to follow me on Twitter.
Or, I get a feeling of growing unease if someone murky follows me, and after a few clicks, I usually block their shady selves.

Imagine my surprise, just now, at the automatically generated mail:

Hi, mandy leontakianakis.
Jesus of Nazareth (way_truth_life) is now following your updates on Twitter.
Check out Jesus of Nazareth's profile here:

You may follow Jesus of Nazareth as well by clicking on the "follow" button.


I investigated.
A visit to my new follower's page revealed, that Jesus of Nazareth was not joking.
His primary message to me was that he was
"A lot more like Buddha thank you thought (sic). I
 wish more people today understood my message. We are all One."

I'm really glad Jesus twittered me to clear up that he IS in fact, just like the Buddha.
Now, if I choose to follow Jesus, on Twitter,
I'll get his teachings in a neat limited character format along with my news, tech, politics and friend updates.
I hope Buddha comes out with a rival page.

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